Thursday, September 16, 2010

Climb More Trees

"If I could do it all again. I would climb more trees and eat more wild blackberries."

This is a line from a Bloc Party song and I was thinking about it the other day. At first I thought the line was talking about what you regret in your past that you wish you could do over (not the big things but the little things). But today I decided that for me it's more about how we should be more spontaneous. After all, when do you ever sit in your house and make plans to go outside and climb a tree.

Spontaneity  is something I definitely wish I was better at. I have a friend that used to ask me to go camping or river rafting at a moment's notice. I would never go with him even if I was free because it was just too spontaneous for me.

I think it's especially hard when you are an introverted person like me because you need that down-time each day to rejuvenate yourself. Unfortunately, this usually turns into the whole evening, and before you know it, it's a habit to never go out unless it's planned, never call anyone unless you need something, etc.

For me what I want to be more spontaneous about it going outside and enjoying nature more (even just taking a walk around the neighborhood) and calling friends and family just to see how they are.

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