Monday, October 18, 2010

Japan Day 9

 Osaka Castle. Built high on a hill top so it can be seen for miles, but like almost every building in Japan it has been destroyed multiple times. Osaka Castle was actually raized in 1615 in a huge battle between two Shoguns.

 The Floating Garden Observatory. Not sure why they added the word garden to the title since there was no garden. There was, however, an awesome view of the city. This observatory was unique because the building has a hole in the middle (like a donut). You can look down through the center of the hole or on the outside for amazing views of Osaka City. The top part, where you can see people is outside and the middle part where the mirror windows are is an indoor observatory. It was pretty cool.

 The Floating Garden Observatory caters to young lovers. They even have a special place set aside for couples.

 Here is the "Lumi Deck". We were here during the day so there were no young lovers.

 We went to the Osaka Acquarium and it was so cool. They had river otters, and sea lions, and sharks, oh my! This is a Cabybara from the Amazon. They are the largest rodent in the world or as I like to think of them R.O.U.S (Rodents of Unusual Size). They apparently love the water and swim qute well.

 The Whale Shark! There are only a few in captivity. He swam right by us. He was HUGE!

 Japanese Spider Crab. These guys were about 2 feet tall.

Beautiful Sunset on Osaka Bay. The round dome on the left is the Maritime Museum.

We also experienced the under ground shopping malls of Osaka (some of the largest in the world). They go on and on forever under the city. Basically you go down into the subway and then never emerge again. They usually connect three or four subway stations together. I`m not sure I like shopping under ground.

It`s been a great trip, but I am definitely looking forward to my own bed and soft pillows again. See you soon.

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