Friday, September 24, 2010

Big Day

Today was a big day for me. I closed on my condo refinance. Yay for me!

You want to know what is really awkward? Asking a friend for a recommendation on a mortgage loan officer, then having to call that person with no introduction and explain to them how you got their name, and then that person not knowing who your friend is. Yeah, I'm already not a fan of calling people I don't know and talking to them about stuff I don't know anything about, but it's even worse when they have no idea how you got their cell phone number.

Now on to the good news! Once all the number crunching was done, and after I signed about a billion papers, my monthly payment came in at about  $170 a month cheaper than it was. Wow that's some amazing savings!

Strangely enough I felt really depressed after closing. I think it's just hard to see how much money your committing to pay over the next 30 years.

I decided to reward myself with a fideo from Cafe Rio. Fideo is a Mexican pasta. It's kinda a strange meal, but I love it. So 1300 calories later (well maybe not since I couldn't eat the whole thing) I am one satisfied girl and not feeling as depressed as I was earlier.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what fideo is, but I am suddenly craving it.
